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A Reflection on Self

A Reflection inspired by

la canción "Antes," por Jorge Drexler

Me conozco porque tu me conoces

And yet in order to be myself

No podemos estar conectados así

As if we did not have our own purpose,

Una luz propia, que tenemos que brillar

Across the earth as we walk, lifting

Todos a una altura nueva. No,

We have to disconnect to know ourselves

Porque si no lo hacemos, vamos a confundirnos

Thinking that I am you and You are me.

En esta tierra, estamos buscando nuestra esencia

That intangible quality hovering just above us,

O delante de nosotros, guiando nuestro sendero

Like a torch bouncing in the darkness. And as

el sendero se brilla más, nos damos cuenta

How to live more in alignment with our

Seres verdaderos. Así soltamos los seres quebradizos

Put on us by the world. And so we must disconnect

Para que podemos estar reunidos mejor

In the world to come.


Astoria, NY, USA

All words and photos ©2018 by Leah Dembinski. Proudly created with

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