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Nourish your soul

Energy Healing

Aura Healing


Every person has an aura that extends 50 feet beyond their body. Our auras are our energy buffers between ourselves in the world. An aura healing is basically like a cleanup, just as when you visit the dentist they clean up your teeth. Auras can be damaged by many things, like substance abuse, holding onto big emotions, like anger, for longer than 15 minutes, and even caffeine! This healing draws in positivity and love from the source and helps us maintain our light. You will walk away from an aura healing shining even brighter than your smile after a visit to the dentist! 


Egyptian Aura Healing


This Aura Healing draws on the power of the 7 directions, the elements, and the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses for a healing of the first 7 layers of the aura. This unique session combines meditation and sacred geometry for a transformational experience that reconnects us to our multidimensionality.


Cord Cutting


Simply put, the Cord Cutting clears attachments. As we walk through the world, we can't help but pick up negative energies and attachments that both we and others create. Cord Cutting is a powerful tool that helps us move on from detrimental relationships and reestablish healthy boundaries. It is always a great relief to shed attachments that are weighing us down and draining us! I highly recommend this for everyone.


Each session has a $150 value.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns and we will find a way to make it work!


Astoria, NY, USA

All words and photos ©2018 by Leah Dembinski. Proudly created with

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